How @FCAGroup still loses customers (Bravissimo @FIAT) #FCASocialConnect
As you know from my first article about my factory new Fiat Tipo there was approved 2 of 3 complaints to be rapaired. You also know, that there was a problem with a dealer, with a customer care and now there is a problem with authorized service too. Hurrah!
Today is about half of February 2018 (complaint submitted in October 2017), the deadline for repair is gone and they don’t contact me. So I take my phone and call them to get information that they need more time to finish the repairs.
Ode dne uplatnění reklamace má prodejce maximálně 30 kalendářních dní na vyřízení, měl by se však snažit reklamaci vyřídit bez zbytečného odkladu. Rozhodnout o ní prodejce podle zákona musí ihned, ve složitých případech do 3 pracovních dnů.
By law they have 3 days to approve and 30 days from submitting complaint to finish the repairs. But it took 31 days to only approve. Now it’s more than 90 days and they need more time.